In Memoriam
Ray Pethtel passed away on September 12, 2020. He was an active supporter of the I-81 Corridor Coalition during its development. He was named Interim Executive Director in July 2011 and served in this position until August 2012. He was instrumental in bringing the coalition to VTTI, where it is currently housed. We are thankful for all he did for the coalition and his continued support. He will be missed.
The I-81 Corridor Coalition (I-81CC) is a consortium of stakeholders dedicated to improving the safety, continuity, and efficiency of commercial and personal travel along the I-81 corridor that extends from Tennessee to the Canadian border in New York. This partnership is comprised of state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), Metropolitan and Regional Planning Organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private entities from the six corridor states. The primary focus of the I-81CC is to study and implement innovative solutions to address challenges specific to travel on a freight-intensive highway serving a wide variety of geopolitical regions and users. Current areas of focus include incident management, development planning, and truck parking.